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Flavored Loose Leaf Black Tea



Fruit is one of the most common flavorings for black tea. The flavoring can be added in the form of extracts added to the dried leaves, dried fruit mixed in with the leaves, and dried flowers. Our collection is a delicious variety of loose leaf black tea flavored with added fruits, flowers, and flavoring.


The caffeine content in flavored loose leaf black tea can vary depending on several factors, including the type of black tea used as a base, the amount of tea leaves, and the flavoring ingredients added. On average, an 8 oz cup of flavored loose leaf black tea may contain between 40 to 70 milligrams of caffeine.

However, it's important to note that these are general estimates and actual caffeine content can vary. Some flavored black teas may contain more caffeine if they use a higher proportion of tea leaves or if the base black tea used has a higher caffeine content. Flavoring ingredients themselves generally do not contribute significantly to the caffeine content of the tea.


How many cups of tea can I steep from 1oz of loose leaf tea?

The number of 8oz cups you can steep from 1 oz of loose leaf tea varies depending on the type of tea and the strength of the brew desired, but a general guideline is that 1 oz of loose leaf tea can make approximately 10 to 15 cups of tea. Typically, 1 teaspoon of loose leaf tea (about 2-3 grams) is used per 8oz cup of water. Since 1 oz is approximately 28 grams, this means you can steep roughly 10 cups if you use 2.8 grams per cup, or closer to 14-15 cups if you use slightly less tea per cup. Multiple steepings of high-quality loose leaf teas can further increase the number of cups you can brew from the same leaves.


Free tea sample and tea filter included with every purchase.