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Big Red Robe Oolong Tea

4 oz.
- +

Big Red Robe Oolong Tea is an excellent choice for tea connoisseurs. Grown on the peak of Wuyi Mountain, this oolong tea has large leaves that are 40% oxidized, providing a unique flavor profile of nectarine, molasses, and earthy sweetness. It has a smooth, honey-like texture with a rich aroma of roasted peanut shells. Enjoy a wonderful cup!


Use 1 heaped teaspoon per 8 oz. cup. Steep at 205º F for 3 minutes. Tea can be re-infused by adding 30 seconds to the first re-steep then 1 minute to each additional steep. 


China, Fujian province

Caffeine content: A bit higher than green tea, and a bit less than black. Typically about 50-75 mg of caffeine per 8 oz. cup.

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