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Tea Talk

Green Tea Can Help Fight Aging

Green Tea Can Help Fight Aging

Green teas are rich in vitamin C, carotenoids and polyphenols. Cartenoids are natural chemical compounds that have strong antioxidant effects. They help to improve metabolism and hence, assist in losing... Read More

Tea Blending

We recently received a request from one of our customers who wanted to know how to blend teas at home. Here are a few tips.  First, it's a matter of taste.... Read More
Tea Blending
Happy Tea Blogger

Happy Tea Blogger

The Tea Time Shop's commitment is providing quality tea and excellent customer service. We received a wonderful post from a customer and wanted to share it with all of you.    ... Read More

Help the Planet

Going green helps the environment by reducing the amount of pollution that enters the soil, water and air. By using alternative energy sources and avoiding the burning of fossil fuels, recycling and... Read More
Help the Planet
A Little Chinese Tea History

A Little Chinese Tea History

China's tea history dates back over 5,000 years. Chinese legend states that the Emperor Shen Nung discovered tea when the leaves of a wild tree blew into his pot of... Read More

Can Tea Improve Your Eyesight?

Yes, it can and if you're a daily tea drinker, you're already ahead of the game. Drinking a hot cup of tea every day can actually lower your risk for... Read More
Can Tea Improve Your Eyesight?
Sip Away the Winter Blues

Sip Away the Winter Blues

A hot cup of tea can soothe a cold winter night. Winter is upon us, the weather is colder and these, by far, are the shortest days of sunshine during... Read More

The World of Loose Leaf Tea

Westchester Wellness Magazine Contributor. Stay tuned for more articles on Tea!  Read More
The World of Loose Leaf Tea
Back to Reality - Losing those unwanted Summer pounds!

Back to Reality - Losing those unwanted Summer pounds!

As summer comes to an end and we all begin to realize that, oh boy, I really shouldn't have eaten so much on vacation. Maybe I didn't need that second... Read More

Drink Tea - Your Body Will Thank You!

There are many reasons why your should be drinking tea. At the very least, it's a flavorful way of getting enough fluid into your body every day. Tea can also... Read More
Drink Tea - Your Body Will Thank You!