What good is a morning without a cup of tea, right?
For most of us, we cannot keep our eyes open until we take a sip of our morning tea. It is as essential as brushing your teeth in the morning. It is the best companion on your breakfast table. The energy you get from a morning cup is undeniably second to none. With less caffeine than coffee, you can have a productive day with just a cup of organic loose-leaf tea.
Let us explore the primary benefits of consuming a cup or two of tea in the morning.
Kicks Away Morning Laziness.

On your lazy mornings when you do not feel like getting out of bed let alone go to work, morning tea can help. The body is dehydrated when you wake up in the morning as it has not consumed fluids all night. That’s why your usual mornings are lethargic and hazy. To get rid of it, you can enjoy a cup of tea and witness your morning laziness washing away.
Who Doesn’t Want Caffeine in The Morning?
We all know that coffee has a good amount of caffeine. You do not have to depend on coffee to keep yourself awake in the morning, tea works fine. Tea has a small amount of caffeine and without overdoing your caffeine dose, it gives you an energy boost like an energizer bunny.
Tea has energizing properties which when hit you, make you fresh, and get your brain juices flowing. Organic tea contains amino acids and L-theanine which helps in maintaining the caffeine level so you do not get fidgety.
Wonders to Metabolism.

Healthy metabolism assists in an easy weight loss journey and what better way than a cup of tea in the morning to do that? Organic loose-leaf tea is a natural source of strong metabolism and eventually calorie loss. They provide you full nourishment as the whole leaf is being used which implies that you are consuming the best of the benefits in the morning.
Instead of a coffee in the morning opt for a cup of tea. It will increase your energy, boost your metabolism and combined with exercise can burn calories.
Healthy Nervous System.
You must have seen organic tea company commercials promoting that tea consumption boosts your nervous system. We have to agree that it is a true story. Organic loose-leaf tea has the potential of activating your neurons and allows you to function well throughout the day. It can also help if have to stay awake all night because loose-leaf tea help prevent drowsiness.
Strong Memory.
If you always complain about having a bad memory maybe you should start trying teas along with almonds in the morning. Tea intake energizes neurons, strengthen brain cell function, and can reduce the risk of memory disorders and conditions such as dementia.

If you are looking for a source of caffeine that does not cause bloating maybe you should try organic loose-leaf tea and avail the benefits that come along with it.